M.A. in Language & Communication at Georgetown University
Program of Study Explore Our Community Careers for Linguists
What is the MLC?
The M.A. in Language and Communication is a professionally-oriented program in sociolinguistics, with a strong focus on the application of linguistic theory, research, and methods to a broad range of professional fields. Professionals with linguistics training make important contributions to growing fields such as speech technology, healthcare research, marketing, management consulting, education, and more.
Who is the MLC for?
This M.A. program is suited for college graduates with a B.A. or B.S. (with majors including, but not limited to, humanities and social sciences) interested in applying their sociolinguistic training in professional contexts. The program is also an exciting and creative option for professionals seeking advancement in their fields and those looking for a career change.
Learning Goals and Outcomes
Our goal is to provide students with world-class training in linguistics and to support each student on their individual professional path. Our highly individualized program of study offers a broad range of courses, intensive professional and academic advising, and rich networking and professional development opportunities throughout the academic year. The skills and abilities that students gain through the M.A. curriculum and professional development activities prepare students to apply their linguistics training in their chosen career fields. MLC students typically go on to careers in a wide range of industries.